Abram | David | Coming to Our Animal Senses | A Dark Mountain Conversation Between David Abrams and Dougald Hine | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/comingtoouranimalsensesadarkmountainconversationbetweendavidabramsanddougaldhines.pdf |
Abram | David | Animism, Perception, and Earthly Craft of the Magician | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/animismperceptionandearthlycraftofthemagician.pdf |
Adorno | Theodor | Aesthetic Theory | Aesthetic Law and Artistic Mystery | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aesthetictheoryaestheticlawandartisticmystery.pdf |
Adorno | Theodor | Commitment | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/commitment.pdf |
Adorno | Theodor | Culture Industry | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/cultureindustry.pdf |
Adorno | Theodor | Letters to Walter Benjamin | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/letterstowalterbenjamin.pdf |
Adorno | Theodor | Reconciliation under Duress | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/reconciliationunderduress.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Absolute Immanence | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/absoluteimmanence.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Angels | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/angels.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Art, Inactivity, Politics | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/artinactivitypolitics.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Beyond Human Rights | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/beyondhumanrights.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Difference and Repetition | On Guy Debord's Films | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/differenceandrepetitiononguydebordsfilms.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Elements for a Theory of Destituent Power | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/elementsforatheoryofdestituentpower.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | For a Philosophy of Infancy | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/foraphilosophyofinfancy.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Form-of-Life | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formoflife.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Homo Sacer | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/homosacer.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Idea of Prose | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/ideologyandstateapparatuses.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Image and Silence | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/inconversationwithjulianassangepti.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Infancy and History | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/introductionglobalconceptualismrevisted.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Karman | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/karman.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Kommerell | or On Gesture | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/kommerellorongesture.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Means Without End | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/measuringthemeasurer.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | No to Biopolitical Tattooing | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/notobiopoliticaltattooing.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Nymphs | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/nymphs.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Opus Dei | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/opusdei.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Philosophical Archaeology | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/philosophicalarchaeology.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Pilate and Jesus | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/pilateandjesus.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Potentialities | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/potentialities.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Profanations | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/profanations.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Remnants of Auschwitz | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/remnantsofauschwitz.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Speech and Knowledge | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/speechandknowledge.pdf |
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Agamben | Giorgio | State of Exception | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/stateofexception.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Taste | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/testojunkie.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Adventure | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theadventure.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Camp as the ‘Nomos’ of the Modern | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thecampasthenomosofthemodern.pdf |
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Agamben | Giorgio | The Fire and the Tale | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thefireandthetale.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Highest Poverty | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thehighestpoverty.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Man Without Content | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themanwithoutcontent.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Mystery of Evil | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themysteryofevil.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Open | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theopen.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | The Work of Man | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theworkofman.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Time that Remains | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/timethatremains.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Toward an Ontology of Style | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/towardanontologyofstyle.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Umwelt and Tick | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/umweltandtick.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | Vocation and Voice | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/vocationandvoice.pdf |
Agamben | Giorgio | What is an Apparatus | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatisanapparatus.pdf |
Ahmed | Sara | A Phenomenology of Whiteness | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aphenomenologyofwhiteness.pdf |
Alcolla | Ruben A | Anonymous Manifestos | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/anonymousmanifestos.pdf |
Aldersey-Williams | Hugh | Applied Curiosity | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/appliedcuriosity.pdf |
Alexander | Michelle | New Jim Crow | Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/newjimcrowmassincarcerationintheageofcolorblindness.pdf |
Althusser | Louis | Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/ifhousingthenawishlist.pdf |
Andraos | Amale | Social Transparency | Introduction | Street Life | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/socialtransparencyintroductionstreetlife.pdf |
Antonelli | Paola | All Together Now! | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/alltogethernow.pdf |
Antonelli | Paola | Design and the Elastic Mind | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/designandtheelasticmind.pdf |
Appadurai | Arjun | The Social Life of Things | Commodities in Cultural Perspective | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thesociallifeofthingscommoditiesinculturalperspective.pdf |
Aranda | Julieta | Time / Bank | A Conversation with Julieta Aranda and Anton Vidokle | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/timebankaconversationwithjulietaarandaandantonvidokle.pdf |
Arendt | Hannah | Between Past and Future | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/betweenpastandfuturesixexercisesinpoliticalthought.pdf |
Arendt | Hannah | Reflections on Violence | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/reflectionsonviolence.pdf |
Arendt | Hannah | The Human Condition | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thehumancondition.pdf |
Arendt | Hannah | The Origins of Totalitarianism | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theoriginsoftotalitarianism.pdf |
Aultman | B Lee | Exergue | Or the Politics of Memory | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/exergueorthepoliticsofmemory.pdf |
Azoulay | Ariella | Civil Contract of Photography | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/civilcontractofphotography.pdf |
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Bachelard | Gaston | Poetics of Space | The Dialectic of Outside and Inside | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/poeticsofspacethedialecticofoutsideandinside.pdf |
Balestrini | Nanni | We Want Everything | A Novel | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/wewanteverythinganovel.pdf |
Barad | Karen | Transmaterialities | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/transmaterialities.pdf |
Barnouw | Erik | The Magician and the Cinema | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themagicianandthecinema.pdf |
Barthes | Roland | Camera Lucida | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/cameralucida.pdf |
Barthes | Roland | Myth Today | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/mythtoday.pdf |
Barthes | Roland | The Photographic Message | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thephotographicmessage.pdf |
Barthes | Roland | The Rhetoric of the Image | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/therhetoricoftheimage.pdf |
Basar | Shumon | The Age of Earthquakes | A Guide to the Extreme Present | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theageofearthquakesaguidetotheextremepresent.pdf |
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Baudrillard | Jean | Seduction | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/seduction.pdf |
Baudrillard | Jean | The Precession of Simulacra | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theprecessionofsimulacra.pdf |
Benjamin | Walter | Conversations with Brecht | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/conversationswithbrecht.pdf |
Benjamin | Walter | Reply to Adorno | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/replytoadorno.pdf |
Benjamin | Walter | The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theworkofartintheageofmechanicalreproduction.pdf |
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Bentham | Jeremy | Panopticon or Inspection-House | Containing the Idea of a New Principle of Construction | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/panopticonorinspectionhousecontainingtheideaofanewprincipleofconstruction.pdf |
Berardi | Franco ‘Bifo’ | How to Heal a Depression | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/howtohealadepression.pdf |
Bergen | Marina van den | The Biggest Living Room in the Netherlands | Frank van Klingeren's Karregat in Eindhoven, 1970-1973 | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thebiggestlivingroominthenetherlandsfrankvanklingerenskarregatineindhoven19701973.pdf |
Berger | John | Ways of Seeing | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/waysofseeing.pdf |
Berlant | Lauren | Sex in Public | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/sexinpublic.pdf |
Bernard | Malcolm | Art, Design and Visual Culture | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/artdesignandvisualculture.pdf |
Beyer | Elke | Case Studies | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/casestudies.pdf |
Beyer | Elke | Holidays After the Fall | Introduction | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/holidaysafterthefallintroduction.pdf |
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Bigo | Didier | Globalized (in)Security | The Field and the Ban-opticon | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/globalizedinsecuritythefieldandthebanopticon.pdf |
Birnbaum | Dara | Talking Back to the Media | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/talkingbacktothemedia.pdf |
Blanchot | Maurice | The Thought from Outside | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thethoughtfromoutside.pdf |
Blanchot | Maurice | The Unavowable Community | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theunavowablecommunity.pdf |
Bloch | Maurice | Death and Regeneration | Of Flesh and Bones | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/deathandregeneration.pdf |
Bloch | Maurice | Death and Regeneration | Introduction | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/deathandregernationintroduction.pdf |
Bloch | Maurice | Death, Women and Power | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/deathwomenandpower.pdf |
Bloch | Ernst | Discussing Expressionism | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/discussingexpressionism.pdf |
Bloch | Ernst | The Spirit of Utopia | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thespiritofutopia.pdf |
Bloch | Ernst | The Utopian Function of Art and Literature | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theutopianfunctionofartandliterature.pdf |
Bloomer | Jennifer | The Matter of the Cutting Edge | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thematterofthecuttingedge.pdf |
Bond | Rose | Poetics and Public Space | An Investigation into Animated Installation | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/poeticsandpublicspaceaninvestigationintoanimatedinstallation.pdf |
Bordo | Susan | Body and the Reproduction of Femininity | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/bodyandthereproductionoffemininity.pdf |
Bordwell | David | Fundamental aesthetics of sound | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/fundamentalaestheticsofsound.pdf |
Borisonik | Hernán | $oporte | El Uso del Dinero como Material en las Artes Visuales | Support: Money as Material in Visual Arts) | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/$oporteelusodeldinerocomomaterialenlasartesvisuales.pdf |
Boys | Jos | Neutral Gazes and Knowable Objects | Challenging Masculinist Structures of Architectural Knowledge | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/neutralgazesandknowableobjectschallengingmasculiniststructuresofarchitecturalknowledge.pdf |
Braidotti | Rosi | The Posthuman | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theposthuman.pdf |
Brecht | Bertolt | A Short Organum for the Theatre | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/ashortorganumforthetheatre.pdf |
Brecht | Bertolt | Against Georg Lukacs | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/againstgeorglukacs.pdf |
Bridle | James | The New Aesthetic and its Politics | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thenewaestheticanditspolitics.pdf |
Brown | Adrienne Maree | Emergent Strategy | Shaping Change, Changing Worlds | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/emergentstrategyshapingchangechangingworlds.pdf |
Brown | Wendy | Undoing the Demos | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/undoingthedemos.pdf |
Buckley | Craig | After the Manifesto | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/afterthemanifesto.pdf |
Burgin | Victor | Venise | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/venise.pdf |
Burns | Karen | Architecture / Discipline / Bondage | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/architecturedisciplinebondage.pdf |
Busch | Kathrin | Artistic Research and the Poetics of Knowldege | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/artisticresearchandthepoeticsofknowldege.pdf |
Busch | Akiko | Design for Sports | Introduction | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/designforsportsintroduction.pdf |
Busch | Akiko | Design for Sports | The Athlete Relocated | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/designforsportsnotesonaninfinityofsportscultures.pdf |
Butler | Judith | Gender Trouble | Bodily Inscriptions | Performative Subversions | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/gendertroublebodilyinscriptions.pdf |
Butler | Octavia E | Parable of the Sower | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/parableofthesower.pdf |
Butler | Judith | Senses of the Subject (intro) | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/sensesofthesubjectintro.pdf |
Cage | John | Silence | Lectures and Writings | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/silencelecturesandwritings.pdf |
Caillois | Roger | Man, Play & Games | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/manifesto.pdf |
Caillois | Roger | Simulation and Vertigo | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/simulationandvertigo.pdf |
Campbell | Joesph | The Hero With a Thousand Faces | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theherowithathousandfaces.pdf |
Cardinal-Pett | Clare | Detailing | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/detailing.pdf |
Carney | Sean Joseph Patrick | Work of Art in Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Translation) | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/workofartinageofmechanicalreproductiontranslation.pdf |
Castells | Manuel | Communication, Power and Counter-Power in the Network Society | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/communicationpowerandcounterpowerinthenetworksociety.pdf |
Chase | John Leighton | Everyday Urbanism (Introduction) | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/everydayurbanismintroduction.pdf |
Chavoya | C. Odine | Internal Exiles | The Interventionist | Public and Performance Art of Asco | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/kitawaalinguisticandaestheticanalysisofvisualartinmelanesia.pdf |
Clifford | James | Notes on Travel and Theory | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/notesontravelandtheory.pdf |
Clifford | James | Routes | White Ethnicity | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/routeswhiteethnicity.pdf |
Clough | Patricia Ticineto | Calculative Aesthetic | Objects and Unconcsious Desire in the Age of Big Data | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/calculativeaestheticobjectsandunconcsiousdesireintheageofbigdata.pdf |
Coleman | John | Landscape(s) of the Mind | Public Space and Narrative Specificity | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/landscapesofthemindpublicspaceandnarrativespecificity.pdf |
Colomina | Beatriz | Enclosed by Images | The Eameses' Multiscreen Architecture | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/enclosedbyimagestheeamesesmultiscreenarchitecture.pdf |
Colomina | Beatriz | Manifesto Architecture | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/manifestofever.pdf |
Cousins | Mark | Where? | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/where.pdf |
Crawford | Margaret | Blurring the Bourndaries | Public Space, Private Life | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/blurringthebourndariespublicspaceprivatelife.pdf |
Crosby | Christina | A Body Undone | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/abodyundone.pdf |
Cubitt | Sean | Fountains and Grottos | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/fountainsandgrottos.pdf |
Darer | Antonia | Shattering the 'Race Lens' | Toward a Critical Theory of Racism | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/shatteringtheracelenstowardacriticaltheoryofracism.pdf |
Davis | Angela | Slaying the Dream | The Black Family and the Crisis of Capitalism | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/slayingthedreamtheblackfamilyandthecrisisofcapitalism.pdf |
Dayan | Colin | The Law is a White Dog | How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thelawisawhitedoghowlegalritualsmakeandunmakepersons.pdf |
De Certeau | Michel | Making Do | Uses and Tactics | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/makingdousesandtactics.pdf |
Dean | Jodi | Aliens in America | Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to Cyberspace | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aliensinamericaconspiracyculturesfromouterspacetocyberspace.pdf |
Debord | Guy | Situationist International Anthology | Situationist Theses on Traffic | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/situationistinternationalanthologysituationistthesesontraffic.pdf |
Debord | Guy | Society of the Spectacle | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/societyofthespectacle.pdf |
DeLanda | Manuel | Philosophy and Simulation | The Emergence of Synthetic Reason | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/philosophyandsimulationtheemergenceofsyntheticreason.pdf |
Deleuze | Gilles | The Fold | Leibniz and the Baroque | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thefoldleibnizandthebaroque.pdf |
Delphy | Christine | A Materialist Feminism is Possible | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/amaterialistfeminismispossible.pdf |
Derrida | Jacques | Differance | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/differance.pdf |
Diederichsen | Diedrich | Audio Poverty | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/audiopoverty.pdf |
Draxler | Helmut | Symbolic Engineering | Measurement, Aesthetics and the Rules for Art | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/symbolicengineeringmeasurementaestheticsandtherulesforart.pdf |
Dubois | W.E.B. | Double Consciousness | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/doubleconsciousness.pdf |
Elkins | James | The Object Stares Back | Just Looking | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theobjectstaresbackjustlooking.pdf |
Esposito | Roberto | Communitas | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/communitas.pdf |
Esposito | Roberto | The Origin of the Political | Hannah Arendt or Simone Weil | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theoriginofthepoliticalhannaharendtorsimoneweil.pdf |
Fanon | Frantz | The Fact of Blackness | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thefactofblackness.pdf |
Fanon | Frantz | The Wreched of the Earth | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thewretchedoftheearth.pdf |
Farrell | Barry | A Candid Conversation with the Visionary Architect / Inventor / Philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller | (Playboy Magazine) | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/acandidconversationwiththevisionaryarchitectinventorphilosopherr.buckminsterfullerplayboymagazine.pdf |
Federici | Silvia | Caliban and the Witch | Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/calibanandthewitchwomenthebodyandprimitiveaccumulation.pdf |
Federici | Silvia | Why Sexuality is Work | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whysexualityiswork.pdf |
Fischer | George | Evidence as Subject Matter | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/evidenceassubjectmatter.pdf |
Fisher | Frederick | LACMALab | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/lacmalab.pdf |
Foucault | Michel | As I Imagine Him | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/asiimaginehim.pdf |
Foucault | Michel | Discipline and Punish | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/disciplineandpunish.pdf |
Foucault | Michel | Of Other Spaces | Utopias and Hterotopias | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/ofotherspacesutopiasandhterotopias.pdf |
Foucault | Michel | The Subject and Power | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thesubjectandpower.pdf |
Freedman | Eric | Transient Images | Personal Media in Public Frameworks | Trauma and the Cellular Imaginary | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/transientimagespersonalmediainpublicframeworks.pdf |
Freedman | Eric | Transient Images | The Architectures of Cyberdating | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/transientimagesthearchitecturesofcyberdating.pdf |
Fulcher | James | What is Capitalism? | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatiscapitalism.pdf |
Gadamer | Hans Georg | The Hermeneutics of Suspicion | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thehermeneuticsofsuspicion.pdf |
Galloway | Alexander | Excommunication | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/excommunication.pdf |
Galloway | Alexander | The Exploit | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theexploit.pdf |
Gardner | Katy | Location and Relocation | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/locationandrelocation.pdf |
Gardner | Colin | No Guarantees | They're Wolves | Structure, Movement and the Dystopic in Diana Thater's Chinare | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/noguaranteestheyrewolves.pdf |
Gazetas | Aristides | French Avant-Garde Tradition and Surrealism | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/frenchavantgardetraditionandsurrealism.pdf |
Geczy | Adam | Reframing Art | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/reframingart.pdf |
Getachew | Adom | Worldmaking after Empire | The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/worldmakingafterempiretheriseandfallofselfdetermination.pdf |
Goll | Morten | Democracy is a Good Idea | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/democracyisagoodidea.pdf |
Gomez-Pena | Guillermo | Ethno-Techno Writings on Performance Activism and Pedegogy | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/ethnotechnowritingsonperformanceactivismandpedegogy.pdf |
Goswamy | B.N. | Another Past, Another Context | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/anotherpastanothercontext.pdf |
Graeber | David | Dead Zones of the Imagination | An Essay on Structural Stupidity | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/deadzonesoftheimaginationanessayonstructuralstupidity.pdf |
Graeber | David | Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/offlyingcarsandthedecliningrateofprofit.pdf |
Graeber | David | The Iron Law of Liberalism and the Eera of Total Bureaucratization | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theironlawofliberalismandtheeeraoftotalbureaucratization.pdf |
Graham | Beryl | Rethinking Curating | Art After New Media | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/rethinkingcuratingartafternewmedia.pdf |
Groys | Boris | Introduction: Global Conceptualism Revisted | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/introductionglobalconceptualismrevisted.pdf |
Groys | Boris | The Obligation to Self Design | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theobligationtoselfdesign.pdf |
Gunning | Tom | Aesthetic of Astonishment | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aestheticofastonishment.pdf |
Hall | Peter | Critical Visualization | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/criticalvisualization.pdf |
Haraway | Donna | A Cyborg Manifesto | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/acyborgmanifesto.pdf |
Harney | Stefano | The Undercommons | Fugitive planning and black study | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theundercommonsfugitiveplanningandblackstudy.pdf |
Hartman | Saidiya | Scenes of Subjection | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/scenesofsubjection.pdf |
Havik | Klaske | Define and Let Go | An Interview with John Habraken | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/defineandletgoaninterviewwithjohnhabraken.pdf |
Hayles | Katherine | Traumas of Code | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/traumasofcode.pdf |
Hegel | Georg | Lordship and Bondage | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/lordshipandbondage.pdf |
Herbert | Zbigniew | Study of the Object | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/studyoftheobject.pdf |
Heskett | John | Toothpicks and Logos | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/toothpicksandlogos.pdf |
Hoberman | J | Vietnam | The Remake | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/vietnamtheremake.pdf |
Holt | Steven Skov | Design for Sports | Notes on an Infinity of Sports Cultures | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/designforsportstheathleterelocated.pdf |
hooks | bell | Feminist Class Struggle | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/feministclassstruggle.pdf |
hooks | bell | Moving Beyond Pain | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/movingbeyondpain.pdf |
hooks | bell | The Oppositional Gaze | Black Female Spectators | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theoppositionalgazeblackfemalespectators.pdf |
Houdart | Sophie | What is in the Air? Or How We Get to Know What We Know About Invisible Things | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatisintheairorhowwegettoknowwhatweknowaboutinvisiblethings.pdf |
Idenburg | Florian | L.A.'s Not-So-Distant Future | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/lasnotsodistantfuture.pdf |
Ikenberg | Tamara | History Refused to Die | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/historyrefusedtodie.pdf |
Iles | Chrissie | Video and Film Space | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/videoandfilmspace.pdf |
Inagaki | Tatsuo | Fieldwork as Artistsic Practice | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/fieldworkasartistsicpractice.pdf |
Internationale Situationniste | | The Use of Free Time | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theuseoffreetime.pdf |
Invisible Committee | | Fuck Off Google | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/fuckoffgoogle.pdf |
Jameson | Fredric | Reflections in Conclusion | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/reflectionsinconclusion.pdf |
Jeanluc | Nancy | The Disavowed Community | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thedisavowedcommunity.pdf |
Jencks | Charles | The Spirit of Adhocism | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thespiritofadhocism.pdf |
Jenkins | Bruce | The Machine in the Museum; or | The Seventh Art in Search of Authorization | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themachineinthemuseumortheseventhartinsearchofauthorization.pdf |
Jiwani | Yasmin | Violating In/Visibilities | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/violatinginvisibilities.pdf |
Jones | Amelia | The 1970s Situation and Recent Installation | Joseph Ssntarromana's Intersubjective Engagments | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/the1970ssituationandrecentinstallationjosephssntarromanasintersujectiveengagements.pdf |
Judt | Tony | What is Living and What is Dead in Social Democracy | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatislivingandwhatisdeadinsocialdemocracy.pdf |
Karp | Ivan | Exhibiting Cultures | pt1 | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/exhibitingculturespt1.pdf |
Keisler | Frederick | Function Follows Vision Vision Follows Reality | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/functionfollowsvisionvisionfollowsreality.pdf |
Kerr | Robert | Compression and Oppression | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/compressionandoppression.pdf |
Kohn | Eduardo | How Forests Think | Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/howforeststhinktowardananthropologybeyondthehuman.pdf |
Kopplin | John | An Illustrated History of Computers Part ii | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/anillustratedhistoryofcomputerspartii.pdf |
Kracauer | Siegfried | Boredom | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/boredom.pdf |
Krauss | Rosalind | Notes of the Index | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/notesoftheindex.pdf |
Kulcher | Susanne | Art as Ethnography The Case of Sophie Calle | The Case of Sophie Calle | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/artasethnographythecaseofsophiecallethecaseofsophiecalle.pdf |
Kunst | Bojana | On Laziness and Less Work | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/onlazinessandlesswork.pdf |
Kwon | Miwon | One Place After Another | Notes on Site Specificity | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/oneplaceafteranothernotesonsitespecificity.pdf |
La Mettrie | Julien Offray de | Man a Machine | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/manamachine.pdf |
Labarta | Carlos | The Last Manifesto | The Permanence of Humanity and the Ephmeriality of Geniuses | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thelastmanifestothepermanenceofhumanityandtheephmerialityofgeniuses.pdf |
Larsen | Ernest | Ordinary Gestures of Resistance | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/ordinarygesturesofresistance.pdf |
Latour | Bruno | Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? | From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whyhascritiquerunoutofsteamfrommattersoffacttomattersofconcern.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Afterward | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueafterward.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Be Unproductive | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvaluebeunproductive.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Embrace the Void | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueembracethevoid.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Hesitate and Question | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvaluehesitateandquestion.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Improvise | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueimprovise.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Invite and Participate | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueinviteandparticipate.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | On Value | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueonvalue.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Play | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueplay.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Share | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueshare.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Support | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvaluesupport.pdf |
Lauwaert | Maaike | Facing Value | Unite | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/facingvalueunite.pdf |
Leube | Leon | Every State has a Hole | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/everystatehasahole.pdf |
Levine | Caroline | Forms | Whole, Rhythm, Heiarchy, Network | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formswholerhythmheiarchynetwork.pdf |
Linfield | Susie | The Cruel Rafiance Photojournalism and Human Rights | Photojournalism and Human Rights | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thecruelrafiancephotojournalismandhumanrightsphotojournalismandhumanrights.pdf |
Lopéz | Tiffany Ana | Imaging Community | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/inconversationwithjulianassangeptii.pdf |
Lord | Catherine | The Anthropologist's Shadow | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theanthropologistsshadow.pdf |
Losh | Elizabeth | Beyond Biometrics | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/beyondbiometrics.pdf |
Lovink | Geert | What is the Social in Social Media? | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatisthesocialinsocialmedia.pdf |
Lukacs | Georg | Realism in the Balance | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/realisminthebalance.pdf |
Lunenfeld | Peter | On Art and Technology at Lacma | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/onartandtechnologyatlacma.pdf |
MacDonald | Scott | A Critical Cinema | Kenneth Anger | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/acriticalcinemakennethanger.pdf |
Mallarme | Stephane | A Throw of the Dice Never Will Abolish Chance | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/athrowofthediceneverwillabolishchance.pdf |
Maltzan | Michael | Social Transparency | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/socialtransparencyintroduction.pdf |
Manaugh | Geoff | A Burgular's Guide to the City | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aburgularsguidetothecity.pdf |
Mann | Nolan | Surveillance & Society | Sousveillance | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/surveillanceandsocietysousveillance.pdf |
Mappes-Niediek | Norbert | A Thorny Thicket | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/athornythicket.pdf |
Martin | Elizabeth | Pamphlet Architecture 16 | Architecture as a Translation of Music | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/pamphletarchitecture16architectureasatranslationofmusic.pdf |
Massey | Doreen | Space, Place and Gender | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/spaceplaceandgender.pdf |
Massumi | Brian | Autonomy of Affect | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/autonomyofaffect.pdf |
Massumi | Brian | Parables for the Virtual | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/parablesforthevirtual.pdf |
Massumi | Brian | Strange Horizon | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/strangehorizon.pdf |
Massumi | Brian | The Bleed | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thebleed.pdf |
Mauss | Marcel | The Exchange of Gifts and the Obligation to Reciprocate | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theexchangeofgiftsandtheobligationtoreciprocate.pdf |
Mbembe | Achille | Necropolitics | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/necropolitics.pdf |
McCluhan | Marshall | The Medium is the Message | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themediumisthemessage.pdf |
McMahon | Kevin | Displacements, Furnishings, Houses, Museums | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/displacementsfurnishingshousesmuseums.pdf |
Merleau-Ponty | Maurice | Phenomenologyy of Perception | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/phenomenologyyofperception.pdf |
Merleau-Ponty | Maurice | The Visible and Invisible | Precarious Life | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thevisibleinvisibleprecariouslife.pdf |
Metahaven | | Black Transparency | The Right to Know in the Age of Mass Surveillance | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/blacktransparencytherighttoknowintheageofmasssurveillance.pdf |
Meyer | James | The Functional Site; or | or The Transofmation of Site Specificity | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thefunctionalsiteororthetransofmationofsitespecificity.pdf |
Mies | Maria | Patriarchy and the Accumulation on a World Scale | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/patriarchyandtheaccumulationonaworldscale.pdf |
Minato | Chihiro | Measuring the Measurer | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/meatmarketfemalefleshundercapitalism.pdf |
Minato | Chihiro | Politics of Measurement | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/politicsofmeasurement.pdf |
Minh-Ha | Trinh | When the Moon Waxes Red | Questions of Images and Politics | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whenthemoonwaxesredquestionsofimagesandpolitics.pdf |
Mirzoeff | Nicholas | Panoptic Modernity | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/panopticmodernity.pdf |
Mirzoeff | Nicholas | Slavery, Modernity and Visual Culture | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/slaverymodernityandvisualculture.pdf |
Mirzoeff | Nicholas | The Right to Look | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/therighttolook.pdf |
Mirzoeff | Nicholas (editor) | The Visual Culture Reader | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thevisualculturereader.pdf |
Mitchell | W.J.T. | What Do Pictures Want? | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatdopictureswant.pdf |
Mladek | Klaus | Sovereignty in Ruins | A Politics of Crisis | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/sovereigntyinruinsapoliticsofcrisis.pdf |
Moctezuma | Alessandra | Hidden Economies in Los Angeles | An Emerging Latino Metropolis | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/hiddeneconomiesinlosangelesanemerginglatinometropolis.pdf |
Mondloch | Kate | Be Here and There Now | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/behereandtherenow.pdf |
Monson | Ingrid | Hearing, Seeing, and Perceptual Agency | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/hearingseeingandperceptualagency.pdf |
Morozov | Evgeny | Making It | Pick Up a Spot Welder and Join the Revolution | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/makingitpickupaspotwelderandjointherevolution.pdf |
Mossberger | Karen | Introduction | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/lasnotsodistantfuture.pdf |
Moten | Fred | Black and Blur | Consent Not to Be a Single Being | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/blackandblurconsentnottobeasinglebeing.pdf |
Moten | Fred | In the Break | Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/introduction.pdf |
Moyn | Samuel | Not Enough | Human Rights in an Unequal World | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/notenoughhumanrightsinanunequalworld.pdf |
Mrduljas | Maroje | Building the Affordable Arcadia | Tourism Development on the Croatian Adriatic Coast Under State Socialism | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/buildingtheaffordablearcadiatourismdevelopmentonthecroatianadriaticcoastunderstatesocialism.pdf |
Mullican | Matt | Aesthetics of Measurement | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aestheticsofmeasurement.pdf |
Mullican | Matt | Aesthetics of Measurement | Who Feels the Most Pain? | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aestheticsofmeasurementwhofeelsthemostpain?.pdf |
Naremore | James | Stanley Kubrick and the Aesthetics of the Grotesque | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/stanleykubrickandtheaestheticsofthegrotesque.pdf |
Nehl | Markus | Transnational Black Dialogue | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/transnationalblackdialogue.pdf |
Nieuwenhuys | Constant | Another City for Another Life | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/anothercityforanotherlife.pdf |
Noys | Benjamin | Malign Velocities | Accelerationism and Capitalism | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/malignvelocitiesaccelerationismandcapitalism.pdf |
Obrist | Hans Ulrich | In Conversation with Julian Assange Pt i | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/inpraiseofshadows.pdf |
Obrist | Hans Ulrich | In Conversation with Julian Assange Pt ii | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/internalexilestheinterventionist.pdf |
Otxotorena | Juan M. | Contemporary Architecture and the Manifesto Genre | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/contemporaryarchitectureandthemanifestogenre.pdf |
Painter | Nell Irvin | Early American White People Observed | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/earlyamericanwhitepeopleobserved.pdf |
Papanek | Victor | Do it Yourself Murder | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/doityourselfmurder.pdf |
Parry | Jonathan | Sacrificial Death and the Necrophagous Ascetic | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/sacrificialdeathandthenecrophagousascetic.pdf |
Pasquinelli | Matteo | Alleys of Your Mind | Augmented Intelligence and Its Traumas | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/alleysofyourmindaugmentedintelligenceanditstraumas.pdf |
Paul | Christiane | Challenges for Ubiquitous Museum | Presenting and Preserving New Media | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/challengesforubiquitousmuseumpresentingandpreservingnewmedia.pdf |
Paul | Christiane | New Media in the White Cube and Beyond | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/newmediainthewhitecubeandbeyond.pdf |
Peirce | Charles | Logic as Semiotic | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/logicassemioticthetheoryofsigns.pdf |
Peirce | Charles | On the Nature of Signs | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/onthenatureofsigns.pdf |
Pellizzi | Francesco | On the Margins of Recorded History | Anthropology and Primitivism | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/onthemarginsofrecordedhistoryanthropologyandprimitivism.pdf |
Penney | Joel | The Citizen Marketer | Political Fans and Cheerleaders | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thecitizenmarketerpoliticalfansandcheerleaders.pdf |
Penney | Joel | The Citizen Marketer | The Citizen Marketer Approach to Political Action | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thecitizenmarketerthecitizenmarketerapproachtopoliticalaction.pdf |
Penny | Laurie | Meat Market | Female Flesh Under Capitalism | Dirty Work | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/montaignescat.pdf |
Pinney | Christopher | How the Other Half | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/howtheotherhalf.pdf |
Piper | Adrian | Passing for White Passing for Black | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/passingforwhitepassingforblack.pdf |
Pollock | Griselda | Thinking the Feminine | Aesthetic Practice as Introduction to Bracha Ettinger and the Concepts of Matrix and Metamorphosis | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thinkingthefeminineaestheticpracticeasintroductiontobrachaettingerandtheconceptsofmatrixandmetamorphosis.pdf |
Portelli | Alessandro | The Death of Luigi Trastulli, and Other Stories | Form and Meaning in Oral History | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thedeathofluigitrastulliandotherstoriesformandmeaninginoralhistory.pdf |
Powell | Lucy | Epistemology of Measurement | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/epistemologyofmeasurement.pdf |
Powell | Lucy | Epistemology of Measurement | Notes on the Presentation | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/epistemologyofmeasurementnotesonthepresentation.pdf |
Pozo | Jose Manuel | The Alhambra Palace | The Katsura of the West | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thealhambrapalacethekatsuraofthewest.pdf |
Preciado | Beatriz | Testo Junkie | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/testojunkie.pdf |
Prown | Jules | Style as Evidence | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/styleasevidence.pdf |
Railey | Jennifer | Dependent Origination and the Dual-Nature of the Japanese Aesthetic | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/dependentoriginationandthedualnatureofthejapaneseaesthetic.pdf |
Ranciere | Jacques | The Interdisciplinary | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theinterdisciplinary.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | Form and Computers | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formandcodeindesignartandarchitecture.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | Parameterize | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formcodeindesignartandarchitectureparameterize.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | Repeat | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formcodeindesignartandarchitecturerepeat.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | Simulate | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formcodeindesignartandarchitecturesimulate.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | Transform | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formcodeindesignartandarchitecturetransform.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | Visualize | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formcodeindesignartandarchitecturevisualize.pdf |
Reas | Casey | Form + Code In Design Art and Architecture | What is Code? | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/formcodeindesignartandarchitecturewhatiscode.pdf |
Ribas | Joao | Under the Clouds | From Paranoia to the Digital Sublime | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/underthecloudsfromparanoiatothedigitalsublime.pdf |
Richter | Hans | Easel-Scroll-Film | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/easelscrollfilm.pdf |
Rickels | Lauence | Scream IV | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/screamiv.pdf |
Ritsema | Jan | A Liquid Revolution | Management and Political Representation: | A We-Can-Do-It-Ourselves Economy, A For-Free Economy | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aliquidrevolutionmanagementandpoliticalrepresentation.pdf |
Roberts | Neil | Freedom as Marronage | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/freedomasmarronage.pdf |
Rollig | Stella | Contemporary Art Practices and the Museum | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/contemporaryartpracticesandthemuseum.pdf |
Roorda | Ruurd | Vital Architecture | (english, without case studies) | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/vitalarchitectureenglishwithoutcasestudies.pdf |
Rosler | Martha | Culture Class | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/cultureclass.pdf |
Russell | Catherine | Archival Apocalypse Found Footage as Ethnography | Found Footage as Ethnography | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/archivalapocalypsefoundfootageasethnographyfoundfootageasethnography.pdf |
Saito | Yuriko | Everyday Aesthetics | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/everydayaesthetics.pdf |
Sample | Hilary | If Housing Then … A Wish List. | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/illiteratemonumentstheruinasdialectofbrokenclassic.pdf |
Sargent | Ted | Nanotechnology | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/nanotechnologydesigninthequantumvernacular.pdf |
Saussure | Ferdinand de | The Linguistic Sign | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thelinguisticsign.pdf |
Schrader | Stuart | Badges Without Borders | How Global Counterinsurgency Transformed American Policing | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/badgeswithoutbordershowglobalcounterinsurgencytransformedamericanpolicing.pdf |
Schrank | Brian | Practices Of Looking | Viewers Make Meaning pt i | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/practicesoflookingviewersmakemeaningpti.pdf |
Schrank | Brian | Practices Of Looking | Viewers Make Meaning pt ii | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/practicesoflookingviewersmakemeaningptii.pdf |
Scoditti | Glancarlo | Kitawa | A Linguistic and Aesthetic Analysis of Visual Art in Melanesia | Aesthetic Conversations | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/kitawaalinguisticandaestheticanalysisofvisualartinmelanesia.pdf |
Sconce | Jeffrey | Haunted Media | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/hauntedmedia.pdf |
Scott | James C. | Against the Grain | A Deep Hiostry of the Earliest States | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/againstthegrainadeephiostryoftheearlieststates.pdf |
Scott | Felicity D. | Tournaments | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/tournaments.pdf |
Sen | Amartya | Argumentative Indian | Women and Men | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/argumentativeindianwomenandmen.pdf |
Sennett | Richard | Montaigne's Cat | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/mythtoday.pdf |
Sheikh | Simon | Objects of Study or Commodiciaton of Knowledge? | Remarks on Artistic Research | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/objectsofstudyorcommondificationofknowledgeremarksonartisitcresearch.pdf |
Shklovsky | Viktor | Art as Technique | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/artastechnique.pdf |
Silverman | Kaja | The Miracle of Analogy (ch. 2) | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themiracleofanalogy2.pdf |
Silverman | Kaja | The Miracle of Analogy (ch.1) | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themiracleofanalogy1.pdf |
Simonds | Charles | Three Peoples | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/threepeoples.pdf |
Skeggs | Beverley | Values Beyond Value? Is Anything Beyond the Logic of Capital? | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/valuesbeyondvalueisanythingbeyondthelogicofcapital.pdf |
Smith | S. | Race and Reproduction in Camera Lucidia | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/raceandreproductionincameralucidia.pdf |
Sontag | Susan | Regarding the Pain of Others | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/regardingthepainofothers.pdf |
Srinivasan | Ramesh | After the Internet | Hacking the Hacktivists | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aftertheinternethackingthehacktivists.pdf |
Srinivasan | Ramesh | After the Internet | Introduction | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aftertheinternetintroduction.pdf |
Srinivasan | Ramesh | After the Internet | Media Activism | Shaping Online and Offline Networks | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aftertheinternetmediaactivism.pdf |
Stafford | Barbara Maria | Illiterate Monuments | The Ruin as Dialectic or Broken Classic | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/imagingcommunity.pdf |
Stanislavski | Constantin | An Actor Prepares | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/anactorprepares.pdf |
Stanley | Jason | How Propaganda Works | Language as Mechanism of Control | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/howpropagandaworkslanguageasmechanismofcontrol.pdf |
Stephan | Anna | What can we Learn from Artists' Projects in Museusms | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whatcanwelearnfromartistsprojectsinmuseusms.pdf |
Stewart | Susan | Garden Agon | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/gardenagon.pdf |
Steyerl | Hito | The Wreched of the Screen | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thewretchedofthescreen.pdf |
Stiegler | Bernard | Relational Ecology of the Digital Pharmakon | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/relationalecologyofthedigitalpharmakon.pdf |
Sturken | Marita | Spectatorship, Power and Knowledge | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/spectatorshippowerandknowledge.pdf |
Sturken | Marita | The Space of Electronic Time | The Memory Machines of Jim Campbell | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thespaceofelectronictimethememorymachinesofjimcampbell.pdf |
Suderburg | Erika | Space, Site, Intervention | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/spacesiteinterventionsituatinginstallationart.pdf |
Suderburg | Erika | Written on the West | How Land Gained Site | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/writtenonthewesthowlandgainedsite.pdf |
Tanizaki | Junichiro | In Praise of Shadows | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/Inthebreakaestheticsblackradicaltradition.pdf |
Timofeeva | Oxana | Epistemology of Measurement | Unconscious Tendencies in Animal Epistemology | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/epistemologyofmeasurementunconscioustendenciesinanimalepistemology.pdf |
Tschumi | Bernard | Architectural Manifestos | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/architecturalmanifestos.pdf |
Tsing | Anna Lowenhaupt | The Mushroom at the End of the World | On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/themushroomattheendoftheworldonthepossibilityoflifeincapitalistruins.pdf |
Turkle | Sherry | Who Am We | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/whoamwe.pdf |
Turner | John F.C. | Freedom to Build | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/freedomtobuildhousingasaverb.pdf |
Uexküll | Jakob von | A Foray into the World of Animals and Humans (Introduction) | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/aforayintotheworldofanimalsandhumansintroduction.pdf |
Uexkull | jakob von | Carriers of Meaning | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/carriersofmeaning.pdf |
Ukeles | Mierle Laderman | Manifesto | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/manifestoarchitecture.pdf |
UNDP | | Powerful Synergies | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/powerfulsynergies.pdf |
Verwoert | Jan | Exhaustion and Exuberance | Ways to Defy the Pressure to Perform | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/exhaustionandexuberancewaystodefythepressuretoperform.pdf |
Vidler | Anthony | From Manifesto to Discourse | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/frommanifestotodiscourse.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | A Landscape of Events | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/alandscapeofevents.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Art & Fear | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/artandfear.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Bunker Archeology | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/bunkerarcheology.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Crepuscular Dawn | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/crepusculardawn.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Escape Velocity | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/escapevelocity.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Popular Defense & Ecological Struggles | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/populardefenseandecologicalstruggles.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Pure War | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/purewar.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Selected Interviews | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/selectedinterviews.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Speed & Politics | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/speedpolitics.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | Strategy of Deception | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/strategyofdeception.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | The Administration of Fear | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theadministrationoffear.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | The Aesthetics of Disappearance | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theaestheticsofdisappearance.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | The Great Accelerator | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thegreataccelerator.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | The Information Bomb | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/theinformationbomb.pdf |
Virilio | Paul | The Lost Dimension | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/thelostdimension.pdf |
Virno | Paolo | A Grammar of the Multitude | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/agrammarofthemultitude.pdf |
Virno | Paolo | Childhood and Critical Thought | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/childhoodandcriticalthought.pdf |
Virno | Paolo | Familiar Horror | | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/familiarhorror.pdf |
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Weizman | Eyal | Forensic Architecture | Preface & Intro | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/forensicarchitecturepart1.pdf |
Weizman | Eyal | Forensic Architecture | Part One | | http://criticaltheoryindex.org/assets/forensicarchitecturepart3.pdf |
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